Tuesday, January 31, 2006

And now a few thoughts

One of the things I hoped to accomplish when I started posting here was to get a continuous stream of history of myself. Almost a reference of my life.
The purgative value of a diary can not be underestimated, but a forum where people you know will read what you write is a very different sort of place to write your opinions and fears.
There is a constant temptation to turn this into a running commercial for myself, with the disappointing realisation, that my life isn't nearly as exciting as the internet made it seem, ready to break at any moment.
How to balance the temptation to glamourise my comings and goings? How to achieve the honesty I hope will reward me in the long run with a useful and accurate record? How to accomodate the necessary privacy of my clients and employer, while including enough information to reconstruct it?
My current hope is that I add something every day or two, that I catch up when I cannot, and that I get a photo from any new place I visit. My fear is that I only do that.

I received a phone call from merit financial last night. They have found a loan for me to cover the nearly $30,000 in improvements I am undertaking on my house. The details are being fedex'd to me, and I should get an answer to them this weekend.

I also received a phone call from Sears, and they should be able to start replacing my windows on Tuesday morning. Luckily, I will be in Tumwater all week, so anything that comes up can be handled by a thirty minute drive, and meeting a contractor at 7AM isn't unreasonable. I have foregone a number of comforts due to businesses inflexibility in handling service visits. Qwest wanted a weekday visit with multiday advance notice and a $99 minimum charge. For those of you for whom it is a viable option, broadband or digital voice services are the way to go.

I am terribly behind on paperwork, and feel a tinge of guilt posting here. Forgive me, uncle, for I have slacked.

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