Wednesday, May 09, 2012

SciSmalltalk Progress and github concerns

Today, I've been working on getting better test coverage for the packages in Math for SciSmalltalk. I have documented and completed coverage for DhbFloatingPointMachine. It looks like (following Didier Besset's Book) DhbPolynomial will be next, in chapter 2.2.

I added the complex class, and it looks like there are a lot of failing tests for Trigonometric/Circular functions.

Werner Kassens is interested in adding a KDTree implementation, and I'm excited to incorporate this when it materializes.

Does anyone know how to refork/synch a fork with upstream master on git/github? I've made the mistake of committing directly to upstream, and want to catch up with the changes I've made, but don't see the way to refresh a fork once upstream has gotten ahead of me. I think in the future what I want to do is push to my fork, then pull into master.

Also, has anyone had an issue with github deciding to use korean text in button images? The hover text is english, but all the graphics are now Hangul. Though I'm open to learning new powerful magics, I'm more of a Roman/Cyrillic/Hellenic reader, and Asian scripts always strike me as too foreign.

Lastly, I created a dummy-repo to test inline images in markdown. This is nowhere as easy as it should be! Dummy Repo

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