Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Everyone Loves a Party

Got married this weekend. Going to review photos tomorrow. Filed the certificate and retrieved a few copies from the county auditor today.

Working in Seattle. Temps are cooling quickly up here. Sorry if you live in California.

The wedding was held in Tacoma, at Point Defiance-- a wonderful place to start a new life, now that I think of it. Many of Beth's friends came, pieces of families came together, and lots of people had a few too many merlots.

Going this weekend to Wisconsin to revisit some folks and give others a chance to come see us. Plenty of joy is just around the corner!

Life is good.


CristinB said...

Congratulations Dan and Beth! I wish that I could have been there to celebrate with you. I can't wait to see you this weekend in Wisconsin, and I'll try not to drink too much merlot!


Dan said...

we'll look at proofs sooner or later.