Just spent some time at home, in San Francisco, at home, and in San Francisco again. On my way to Los Angeles. Hope to get some time to see people. Going to work tomorrow morning, hope to get an early flight home, and spend some time in Sunny Seattle! Well, my birthday is also coming up this weekend... kind of a non-event with all else that's going on for me. One week till I'm married... things are coming together for that, to. Beth and I wrote the ceremony, and outlined things... dance music and dinner music is being dropped on my good friend, Elena, since Beth and I don't have the time, energy, or taste to do this alone.
Looking forward to seeing plenty of folks there. Most of my friends had other obligations, even my brother is testing the waters to make sure he can come, and there is no sign of anyone from California... time, money, the usual... we'll remember who goes to who's weddings, come funeral time, some folks won't be getting very nice floral arrangements...
Weddings are every bit as expensive as people say. Even on a decidedly thrifty plan the total cleared 10,000 early, and crept upward from there.
I had a beehive taking shape on the front porch. I found a spray nozzle attachment for the hose, and took about three rounds of drenching before all the larvae fell to the ground, the shell stripped clear. I feel a little bad about causing harm, but it's nice not to be a nest for insects...
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