Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Okay, turned in my statistics homework. I took a quiz in Diff Eqns, which was a relief how easily it went. I wasn't as pleased at how little trouble I had with it as I was at how much quicker than most of the people I was finished. I always feel like the professor is trying to scare people away in the lectures, so I was pretty happy to turn in a good piece of easy work to at least justify my space in the class.

I think I was the only person who typed the stat homework, and I may be the only person using R instead of excel... it seems an entire generation has grown up thinking TI makes the only calculators, and courses include hints on how to use them. I don't know maple or TI calculators, so a lot of the hints in the classes about how to use computers are lost on me. Of course, I know enough C to solve my problems the hard way...

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