Friday, April 18, 2008


I am very happy that Delta intends to take over NWA's operations. I expect all the pilots will be able to find a mutually attractive solution. Too bad bankrupt buddies can't dole out raises to everyone, that's always a good way to smooth things over with frightened and harried employees.

Not closing any hubs, and only having a dozen routes in common means that it's going to be hard to save money except by closing a few offices in Eagan. Flights will continue, pilots and stewardesses will still leave on trips. Just a few upper management folks gone, can't see that saving a ton of cash.

On the plus side, this may allow the oldest fleet in the american commercial airlines to get some new planes. Maybe a few more or less seats in some areas as a larger pool to balance gets shuffled to meet demand. Maybe the return of the free peanuts.

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