Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Good and Bad

I just got brand new windows from Sears. I am pretty excited about that. But on the other side, the hard drive in Beth's iBook (which had for a few years been my iBook) failed violently today. I had just thought about backing it up this weekend... irony is difficult to appreciate. Also, I am very disturbed at how well apple seals the iBook up! There is a reason the tech book looks like a car parts book. Well, I managed to pry it apart 'gently' and set the harddrive in an Ibm, and attempted to get a disk image from dd. The other computer showed the same indications (loud clicking noise from the hard disk when spinning.) No recognition of /dev/hda... bad juju.

Step two is to place a new disk in the old iBook, and cross my fingers... and format.
But the windows look great!

Also, I received a phone call from a friend of mine who was waiting for a man to pick her up at a bus station. She met him on the internet, he offered to pick her up and take her to his place...

I hope everything works out okay, for us all.


CristinB said...

Who wrote the Sammy note and is it in your house?

Dan said...

That was in a church in Long Beach, and I believe it was a student at the Long Beach Montessori School.