Thursday, January 26, 2006


I arrived yesterday afternoon in Kona, and was not prepared for the light desert, grassy wasteland appearance of Western Hawaii. The magma must have cooled last year, because the rock is still very obviously the result of flows. The few grasses that grow are spaced out by the foot, and there are brackish pools near the coast where the salt sea water seeps through the porous lava rock, and mingles with the rainwater and runoff.

I enjoyed taking the time to drive around, and felt strangely at home when I saw the donkey crossing sign. I did not enjoy the traffic later in the day, after I realized that the secret to the big island is they only have two roads, the high road, and the low road.

However, the most amazing part of my trip to Kona had to be the return. I actually watched a man stow away aboard the Aloha flight to Honolulu. It was so strange. He had a mother in a wheel chair. He was at the counter asking for a pass to get through security to wheel her to the gate. He must have either had a hookup at the gate, or a fake boarding pass, or gotten lucky, because without my even noticing it, he had gotten aboard, and was sitting one row behind his mother on the plane. I had to smile when I realized the cabin door was closed, and that he had pulled it off. They never ask you to surrender your pass when the day is over. I have to recommend more people try this. I wonder if the more 'efficient' mainland airlines could allow this. It's nearly as classic as the mexicans I saw years ago in Seattle opening the rear bus door for each other, and generally standing in the exit well to obscure the bus drivers view.

I remember stealing trolley rides in San Diego from time to time, that was an honor system with 'random' ticket checks and $75 dollar fines.

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