Sunday, November 22, 2009


Finally got a working linux on my laptop, had to jump through some hoops to get all the parts working. Installed Ubuntu on an HP DV4 laptop. 9.04 had support for wireless, but the sound wouldn't work (worked okay out of the jack, but the speakers weren't able to play sound). Installed 9.10 and the speakers worked, but getting the wireless stable was a nightmare (in this case a broadcom 4322). Finally got a working plan by installing 9.04, setting up the wireless, then upgrading to 9.10. Now I have sound and a working wifi.

Total process took some time, bare minimum assuming I anticipated all of this must be on the order of 3-4 hours. Compare to a windows installation and quit gloating, Linux folks!

But then, now I get great applications that work, and a command line not written by morons for idiots...

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