Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Just finished rereading Middlemarch today on a flight from Calgary to Ft MacMurray.
It's a tender, moving book, and my appreciation for George Eliot grows every time I read (or reread) her works. At this time, they include "Mill on the Floss", "Felix Holt, the Radical", and "Middlemarch". My next will likely be Silas Marner, since I was a good 40 pages into a copy when I left it in the seatback pocket of a NWA flight from Minneapolis.

I think I also have a short book called "The Professor" by Charlotte Bronte, which I snapped up from Beth's collection before repacking them.

Really, shouldn't we be moving soon?


BadPirate said...

At your recommendation you can be this one will help me through my next flight, Amazon delivered about a week ago.

Dan said...

Heh, could have shipped it to you if you'd asked. Going to the all night Leopard release party at Ala Moana tonight? I just bought Beth's christmas present before the deadline to get 10.4 preloaded! 10 bucks later and an up2date disc is in the mail.

Keep your nose down.


BadPirate said...

You know me. I've had Leopard for months now. :) Beth doesn't read your blog, or does she already know what she's getting?

Dan said...

Uh, she reads it, but not usually the comments... plus it all just went over her head. But she got it early anyway...