Saturday, April 14, 2007


I have unfortunately been tinkering with my PC for a while. I had broken the habit for a long time, but have recently been jumping between *Nixes on a weekly basis. Currently it is Slamd (Slackware 11) but last week it was NetBSD, a few weeks back it was openSuse... it's sucking up all my time on weekends and I'm never getting beyond basic package installation and configuration before I return to a new system. It is not healthy, and has to stop.

One of the frustrating things I find about x64 based linux is confusing compatibility issues for 32 bit build and binary emulation. The fact that potentially 2 copies of all system libraries has to be maintained separately, and the loader smart enough to know the difference, is exasperating. There will be some reading necessary before I can set up wine, since it requires an -m32 flag.

I want to keep this stable and working. I like Slackware. No clutter. Easy to understand package system. No RPM's. Good.

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