Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Day

1. I mowed the lawn. I ran out of fuel just as I started the front, and had to walk to the gas station four blocks away to get another gallon. I believe I had just finished the gallon of fuel from August '05, so I feel good about the amount of gas I used over the last few months for the lawn. The oil is still very nearly full.
2. The tulips are opening. I had daffodils growing last month, they have wilted and the tulips are now very bright, some red, some yellow, and quite a few 'sunset' orange and red. The insides are so very flowery. By late afternoon they had closed again, but it was fine to see them open.
3. I got a sunburb yesterday, and was looking to see some inside time, but the sun shone here all day, and I had to take it down to a wife beater by the time I was raking.
4. Starting to see wasps. A few yellow jackets are buzzing around. I saw a small green frog in the front lawn. Three weeks ago when last I mowed the lawn, there was a frog (maybe the same one?) in the back yard.
5. No dead birds this time, though there were a few rather brazen black birds pecking about the lawn after I cut it, oblivious to the man with the lawn mower passing four feet away. Hunger, or acclimatization?
6. Sent all my paperwork off, phoned in a raise, and ordered some parts. In short, the world is in good order. I even paid the mortgage.
7. The moss on the front lawn has gotten so long that I trimmed it with the mower when I passed through. I guess I should be more agressive in getting rid of moss, but it is both inevitable and pleasant. To walk barefoot on a thick mat of moss, inches long, and soft, is one of the dearest pleasures the north can offer.

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