Friday, February 04, 2011


I just accepted a position as a research aide in the computer science department at UIC. Looks like it should be interesting, and hopefully developmental. I guess getting a paycheck is a good thing, too. Not sure how much or what exactly it will entail, I have some hints, but we'll see. I also don't know how large of a team is working on this problem.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Glenwood disaster area

This is the side street by our home. Mostly little antennas sticking out of snow banks. Reminds me of a Norwegian commercial where a guy spends all morning digging his car out of the snow, hits his key fob to open it, and the car in front unlocks.

Snow removal

This is our task force at work! My having the camera makes it look like I didn't do any of the work, but I assure you it was quite the opposite.