The snow is gone. It stayed for a little over a week. There were a lot of slowdowns a few weeks back, but all is back to fifty degree normalcy.
The moss in the front yard is getting long again. The first spring clipping last year, I cut as much moss back as I did grass. It effects the north side of the house more than the back/south facing yard. Some of the grass has turned brown, and sits in dried tufts as though I lived on the tundra. I am enjoying a few days of sunshine, last weekend was also fine, and Beth and I went to American Lake.
I will be in Sacramento all next week, and then I will be in Allentown for a meeting. My sister in law is great with child, and should burst any day now. I saw my brother and her last week on Tuesday, we went into Monterey and had Vindaloo beside a fireplace. Ah, the life!